Key Advantages Of Snapchat For Business

Key Advantages Of Snapchat For Business

Snapchat is set to grow 27% this year, surpassing Twitter and Pinterest in the US. With over 100 million active users per day.

Snapchat is set to grow 27% this year, surpassing Twitter and Pinterest in the US. With over 100 million active users per day.

The question remains, how can businesses turn this into something valuable for their brands and should they invest in it?

Why we like Snapchat.

The essence of Snapchat is that images and videos disappear after a maximum of 10 seconds, or in the case of ‘stories’, 24 hours. This real-time content forces users onto the platform on a daily basis to keep up with who they are following before the post disappears forever. It is this that has contributed to the massive growth of Snapchat over the last few years.

From a business perspective, this can keep your brand front of mind and is great for awareness if you can keep followers coming back on a daily basis and engaging with your content.

Whether you use Snapchat may also depend on your target audience. 30% of teenagers rank Snapchat as their most important social network, so it is clear that if your customers are in their teens, there is a big opportunity to reach them on the platform.

However, recent data shows that the number of users aged 25+ is growing twice as fast as users under the same age. The Snapchat demographic is maturing and is no longer just for kids, meaning more and more businesses can start investing in a Snapchat strategy.

Snapchat user evolution

The other main attraction to Snapchat is the type of content that it generates. It often differs from the more polished and staged content you might see on a brand’s Facebook account. Snapchat gives brands the chance to show off a “behind-the-scenes” look at events such as photoshoots or exhibitions.

It is this behind-the-scenes content that followers engage with and enjoy, which is demonstrated by the vast following of many celebrities on the platform, as fans want an inside look into their lives.

While many internet personalities and celebrities have thrived on Snapchat, brands struggle to generate the same interest and following on the platform. This may be largely due to the ineffective way of exploring and following users, as without the exact username there is no way of browsing other people’s content.

As we discuss at Ality HQ the advantages and limitations of Snapchat and how we can use one of the most used social media platforms for our clients, Instagram has just unveiled a potential game changer.

What can we expect?

Key Advantages Of Snapchat For BusinessDon’t expect this update to force Snapchat to drop off the face of the earth any time soon, as it will still have many loyal daily users. It will be up to businesses to decide which platform suits their goals best.

If you want to learn more about how you can use Snapchat and Instagram to reach and engage with your audience, get in touch with ality and we can discuss over a coffee what we can do for your business!

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